Los Angeles River Master Plan

Los Angeles, CA


Partnerships to transform a major city waterway

The Los Angeles River Revitalization Master Plan represents a milestone achievement for Los Angeles in its massive scope: coalescing diverse stakeholders around a revitalization agenda that transforms 32 miles of concrete-lined River in public green space, in the heart of one of America’s densest cities.  The plan is for a comprehensive open space network in and around the Los Angeles River corridor.  

A bold commitment is made to restore riparian habitat; and to reconnect park-poor neighborhoods to River green-space.The plan presents a vision for transforming the River over several generations, creating a significant public legacy for the children and grandchildren of those who will witness its implementation.To demonstrate opportunities made possible with a revitalized River, 20 Opportunity Areas were identified along the River corridor to illustrate what might be feasible through implementation of various improvement scenarios.The plan is the result of a comprehensive analysis and many stakeholder and public meetings. The public workshops, which included education on watersheds and sustainability, played a major role in informing the process and identifying priority areas and issues.The open space network includes recommendations for an integrated alternative transportation network, connecting existing and new open spaces to the River.

Click here to access and download the Los Angeles River Revitalization Master Plan.


The Los Angeles River Revitalization Master Plan, Los Angeles

Date: 2007
Role: Planning and Landscape Architecture
Credits: Tetra Tech, Mia Lehrer + Associates, Civitas and Wenk Associates
Project completed while at Mia Lehrer + Associates